The Cookie Clouds Collection

The Cookie Clouds Collection

Imagination is the enemy of hard times. With a head off in the “Cookie Clouds”, Lou envisions better futures with a product line featuring individuals that brought change by being and living the change they wanted to see..

Rise into the “Cookie Clouds” to revel in brave individuals that imagine a better future, not just ourselves, but for future generations. The individuals featured in these functional products work toward a society that is inclusive, honorable, and hopeful. The first step toward change is to allow the imagination to dream of a better future.


We are married, we work together, and we play together.

Our content tells the story of how we got to where we are today, and where we are now, but the purpose of this website is about preparing for tomorrow. Retirement is more uncertain than ever before, especially for small business owners with multiple advocacy and activism projects.
100% of the proceeds of this site support one thing: a retirement fund we wouldn’t otherwise have.
LibRAL Arts is the liberation of having a future.
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