LibRAL Arts is an online environment intended to be a familiar space to come in and spend some time. We are marketers by day, on a mission to use our powers for good–exposing manipulative tactics that have been hijacked from our industry and misused for political gain. The habit today is to skim through sites, only glancing at content before moving on when our goldfish-sized attention spans expire. On this site, content is formatted for leisurely browsing to encourage a different speed of information ingestion–one that encourages meaningful thought.
Welcome to LibRAl Arts: an escape from the internet without leaving the comfort of the internet.

What is LibRAl Arts?
LibRAl Arts was created to be a social media alternative, with new rotating content spaces designed to entertain you, while challenging you to think. We invite you to hang out in "House Geek", a rabbit hole of exploration, innovation, and information–and stop by our store, which is full of souvenirs, to remind you of your visit.
Welcome to "House Geek", a land of expression, ideas, struggle, and comedy! Enjoy our rotating spaces set in "House Geek's" rooms, each with their own atmosphere and themed content. The rooms with the most recent posts are featured in "House Geek", but the full collection of rooms awaits those with curious eyes and minds. Learn more about its history here.
A book of short stories, released one chapter at a time. Each chapter reminisces over small moments of Lou’s past with a humorous look at the events that shaped the present. Using hyperbole as therapy, true stories create comic relief for Lou and the reader alike
Solving the world’s problems one hack at a time. Lou explores lost old ways and methods as well as new technological options to solve problems in an innovative combination of the two. Inspired by the string of creative dad hacks used to make camping a fancy experience, Lou brings new products to the family famous “Geezer” line, and explains how you can make it yourself.
Failure is an opportunity for growth. The path to learning is more often than not blocked by our own fear of admitting what we don’t know. In this space we celebrate the things we don’t understand by revealing the bumpy path to ingest the information itself and addressing the reasons we felt uncomfortable that we didn’t have these answers in the first place.
If we are brave enough to fail, then there is no limit to what we can learn.
Wean yourself off of your social media habit with our social media alternative–an escape from the internet without leaving the comfort of the internet! LibRAL Arts is an online environment intended to foster exploration, innovation, and meaningful thought.
Created by whistle-blowing marketers on a mission to use our powers for the good of society– "we expose those in power that have misused marketing tactics for political gain".
With participants in numbers more than any country or religion, the power social media platforms have to influence all of humanity is enormous. Many platforms blatantly engage in public manipulation but take little to no accountability when their practices and algorithms facilitate violence and hatred.
As participants, we must also take accountability–the internet does not force us to lie or speak inconsiderately or inappropriately to each other. In a world where society doesn’t get votes on the moral compass of private businesses, the people are left with little influence, which is why it is so perplexing that we give away the little power we have–that of our online behavior.
We must not allow ourselves to lose our own voices by being manipulated into sharing propaganda for others. We must censor ourselves and remember that there are vulnerable humans reading the words we write. We must realize that our thoughtlessness alone isn’t very powerful, but that a population acting thoughtlessly on social media platforms with billions of users can set trends for the behavior of the entire human race.
To learn more about manipulation tactics, visit:

"Lou Douglas" is a name we have used throughout our history as a creative credit for collective works and other various shenanigans. "Lou's" latest mission centers around raising awareness about the importance of respecting non-binary language to promote equality.
Learning anything new is difficult, and we understand that changing how one thinks about pronouns takes a little practice. Whether it is using preferred gender pronouns or removing gender pronouns entirely, it is a simple action that we should all take to show respect and create an environment of equality. It can be awkward at first, but with a little practice you will see that it isn’t the interruption to your sentence that you fear. It’s just a small thing to consider when you speak, but to the person hearing it, it is a recognition of their identity.
LibRAl Arts removed all gender-specific pronouns relating to Lou throughout the website, and all content was created without using gender-neutral pronouns such as "they" and "them" to show how simple it is to show non-binary people respect in language, even if you haven't been given a preferred pronoun to work with.
We have rewarded investigative individuals with invisible “easter eggs” stashed in clever places–the browser with the most clicks wins the internet! Break your brain from its social media haze with our "egg" message hunt, an exercise specifically designed to help undo the imprinted patterns that the media gods have programmed your brain to follow. Hovering over any of the hidden hot spots throughout the site will reveal a secret message that pops up when found.
Like a traditional easter egg hunt, there are prizes to be found. Those that succeed in breaking their programming will be rewarded with coupon codes for our store. We do this to encourage the public to see the value of observation, reading, analysis, and thinking harder!